7 Foods You Shouldn't Cut Out for Weight Loss

7 Foods You Shouldn’t Cut Out for Weight Loss

It’s that time of year again when trending diets run amuck. There might be several foods you’re mentally putting on a “do not eat” list if you have weight loss goals. But instead of cutting out some of your favorite foods and living in a place of “no,” what about embracing the wide variety of foods you can eat in a healthy and balanced eating pattern? Contrary to what you may have heard in the past, these seven foods can help you get there. Not only are they super nutritious, but they all also have research linking them to weight loss and health. And you may be pleasantly surprised to see a few of these foods on the list.

1. Avocados

This creamy, tropical fruit can get a bad reputation because of the amount of calories and fat it contains. But the good news is that the delicious avocado can and should be part of your healthy diet. “Each one-third of a medium avocado packs 3 grams of dietary fiber, alongside unsaturated fatty acids to keep your hunger at bay,” says Elizabeth Shaw, M.S., RDN, CPT, author and owner of Shaw Simple Swaps. Avocados are one of the only fruits with beneficial unsaturated fat, which has been linked to heart health and weight maintenance.

As a matter of fact, a 2019 study in the journal Nutrients of over 55,000 people observed that those who ate avocados were less likely to gain weight during the study duration of four to 11 years. The researchers attribute these findings to the fiber in avocados, which helps promote feelings of fullness and support beneficial hormones in the gut that may positively affect weight and appetite.

“The only downside is avocados don’t pack much protein,” says Shaw. She suggests pairing avocados with protein sources like beans, lentils, eggs or hempseeds.

2. Nuts

They might be high in calories, but there’s an abundance of research that concludes nuts are an important part of a healthy diet. “According to research, adding pistachios to a calorie-restricted diet can contribute to weight loss and may impart additional health benefits, such as reducing blood pressure,” says Lauren Harris-Pincus, M.S., RDN, founder of NutritionStarringYOU.com and author of The Everything Easy Pre-Diabetes Cookbook. The good news is these results aren’t exclusive to one type of nut. Other studies on walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pecans, cashews and more show similar results.

Nuts have a not-so-secret nutrient that makes them great for weight management: unsaturated fat. A 2023 Nutrients review of several studies indicated that eating nuts helped many participants control their weight, as nuts helped regulate appetite and helped prevent weight gain in the long term.

Include a handful of nuts in your day as a portable snack or use them as a topper for salads, grain bowls, oatmeal or even soups. If you prefer nut butter, opt for brands made with just nuts and salt. Pay attention to portions: All you need is 1 ounce of nuts (about 15-20, depending on the nut’s size) to reap the benefits.

3. Seeds

Seeds may be small, but they are mighty in the nutrition department. Similar to nuts, seeds are known for their unsaturated fat content, and they also pack a fiber and protein punch. “Chia seeds have a special quality: They can absorb more than 10 times their weight in water, allowing them to swell in your digestive tract to [help] keep you satisfied,” says Harris-Pincus.

According to a 2023 study by Frontiers in Nutrition showed that after 16-weeks 62.5% of participants experiences weight loss from consuming foods high in fiber. Seeds supply relatively high levels of fiber in small servings. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1 ounce of chia seeds has 10 g of fiber and the same amount of flaxseed has 8 g of fiber.

It’s fair to say adding more chia, hemp, flax or pumpkin seeds to your diet is a healthy choice. “For an extra 20 calories per teaspoon, you will benefit from protein, fiber, coveted omega-3 fats and prolonged fullness,” says Harris-Pincus. “Sprinkle a teaspoon or two on yogurt, oatmeal or add them to your smoothies,” she says.

4. Potatoes

Whether you prefer a white potato or the sweeter variety, adding this tuber to your plate can help support your nutrition goals. One medium potato has 151 calories and about 11% of your daily fiber needs, per the USDA. Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamin A, and white and sweet potatoes are packed with potassium, an electrolyte that is important for blood pressure.

Both types of potatoes also contain resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that is fermented in the colon. According to a 2020 review in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, potatoes that are cooked, then cooled, have significantly more resistant starch than when consumed warm just after cooking. Resistant starch has a positive effect on levels of the gut hormones glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY), which may result in better eating satisfaction and lower calorie intake, according to a 2020 study in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. So enjoy the versatile starchy veg as part of your eating pattern to support a healthy weight.

5. Fruit

With the low-carb craze, fruit often gets a bad reputation. However, the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends most adults have two servings of fruit per day as part of a healthy lifestyle. Not to mention, many fruits are an excellent source of fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and protect against chronic diseases.

If you’re avoiding starchy or higher-sugar fruits in the name of weight loss, you may want to rethink that decision. For example, bananas contain resistant starch, which can help with weight control. A 2020 Nutrients review found evidence that an increased intake of fruits (and vegetables) contributes to weight loss in women. The authors say eating whole produce tends to provide the most fiber and eating satisfaction.

6. Whole Grains

Whole grains are another great source of fiber. “Research shows that those who ate more whole grains were less likely to struggle with their weight,” says Shaw. And that even includes foods like whole-grain bread, brown rice and whole-wheat pasta—carb lovers rejoice!

Shaw recommends eating a variety of whole grains, like farro, brown rice, quinoa, sorghum and oats, to reap the benefits.

Plus, a 2019 Gut study suggests that eating whole grains in place of refined grains may help induce weight loss. The fiber in whole grains, along with other nutrients, may help you feel more full, so you eat fewer calories overall.

7. Dessert

You read that right: You can eat dessert and still meet your weight loss goals. Avoiding dessert at all costs is a habit that is not sustainable and was born from diet culture. Restricting the foods you love the most will likely cause intense cravings that can lead to subsequent binges and overeating. This causes guilt, which then leads to more restriction and the cycle continues. Instead, eat the dessert you love, enjoy it and move on without guilt.

The best dessert to choose for weight loss? Well, that’s up to you. Choose a small portion of something that is satisfying, eat it slowly and savor every last bite. If you want more, you can always go back for it. But shift your focus on being mindful and present while you eat, and you might find you feel more satisfied, even with a smaller portion.

The Bottom Line

To put it simply, no food is off-limits in a healthy eating pattern, even if you’re trying to lose weight. Though you may have heard that you need to cut out foods like fruit, potatoes and dessert, research shows that this is not actually the case. The important thing is to make healthy dietary changes that are realistic and pleasant for you, so you’ll enjoy sticking with them for the long haul.

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